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Common Detoxification Products in Aquaculture

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Common Detoxification Products in Aquaculture

2024-08-22 09:14:48
In aquaculture, the term “detoxification” is well-known: detoxifying after sudden weather changes, pesticide use, algal die-offs, fish deaths, and even overfeeding. But what exactly does “toxin” refer to?
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What is “Toxin”? 

Broadly speaking, “toxin” refers to harmful water quality factors affecting the health of cultured organisms. These include heavy metal ions, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, pH, pathogenic bacteria, blue-green algae, and dinoflagellates.

Harm of Toxins to Fish, Shrimp, and Crabs 

Fish, shrimp, and crabs rely mainly on the liver for detoxification. When toxin accumulation exceeds the liver and pancreas’s detoxification capacity, their function deteriorates, leading to weakened organisms prone to viral and bacterial infections.

Targeted Detoxification 

No single product can neutralize all toxins, so targeted detoxification is necessary. Here are some common detoxification agents:

1)Organic Acids 

Organic acids, including fruit acids, citric acid, and humic acid, are common detoxifiers. Their effectiveness depends on their content, working mainly through carboxyl group chelation and complexation to reduce heavy metal ion concentrations. They also promote enzymatic reactions in water to accelerate the breakdown of organic phosphorus, pyrethroids, and algal toxins.

Quality Tip: Quality organic acids often have a fruity smell. When shaken, they produce foam, which should also foam when poured on rough surfaces. Finer, more abundant foam indicates better quality.

2)Vitamin C 

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Used in aquaculture as plain Vitamin C, encapsulated Vitamin C, and VC phosphate ester, Vitamin C is a strong reducing agent that participates in biochemical reactions to eliminate oxidative free radicals, enhance metabolism, and promote the excretion of harmful substances.

Note: Vitamin C is unstable in water, easily oxidizing to dehydroascorbic acid, especially in neutral and alkaline waters. Choose the appropriate type based on actual conditions.

3)Potassium Monopersulfate Compound

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With a high oxidation-reduction potential of 1.85V, potassium monopersulfate compound also named in potassium peroxymonosulfate acts as an effective disinfectant and disinfection agent. It is a strong oxidizing agent used to detoxify by converting residual chlorine, algal toxins, organic phosphorus, and pyrethroids into non-toxic substances. It is also a powerful bactericide which effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms, especially vibrios.

This powerful cleaner disinfectant is specifically formulated to enhance the quality of aquatic environments, ensuring optimal health and productivity in aquatic farming. It is a top choice for disease control in aquaculture. It also help increase oxygen in aquaculture systems. This chemical for aquaculture water purification is suitable for emergency water disinfection, fish pond bottom preparation, and regular maintenance.

4)Sodium Thiosulfate 

Sodium thiosulfate (sodium sulfite) has strong chelating abilities, removing heavy metals and residual chlorine toxicity. However, it is not suitable for use with organic acids and has a narrow detoxification range. Use it cautiously to avoid worsening oxygen deficiency in fragile water conditions.


Glucose enhances liver detoxification capacity, as liver detoxification ability is linked to glycogen content. It aids in detoxification by binding with or deactivating toxins through oxidation products or metabolic by-products. It is commonly used in emergencies for nitrite and pesticide poisoning.

6)Sodium Humate 

Sodium humate targets heavy metal toxins and provides trace elements for algae. It has strong adsorption, ion exchange, complexation, and chelation properties, and also purifies water quality.


EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a metal ion chelator that binds almost all metal ions to form non-bioavailable complexes, achieving detoxification. It is most effective when used in a 1:1 ratio with divalent metal ions.

Choose detoxification methods wisely based on actual conditions to enhance efficiency.